Real Estate Blog/Real Estate/Where to Start Real Estate Investing

Where to start in real estate investing

      There are very specific steps to take when you are getting started in real estate investing.  At first, it's very confusing if you're trying to get started in real estate right now.  Many new investors end up wasting hours watching random YouTube videos every week trying to figure out just how to get started.  They tell us that the information is so fragmented, one video says one thing, another video says another thing, and they don't ever seem to connect.

It's feels like you have some pieces of the puzzle, but they don't ever seem to fit and you can never quite get the full picture.  Frustrating for sure.  I know, I've been there.  We've made it one of our goals at Young Realty to help new investors by taking the fragmented real estate information world, and pulling it together into one cohesive strategy that anybody can understand.

And I mean anyone, at any age, and any experience level.

In fact, we recently interviewed one of our members, who by 24 years old had built over $1 million portfolio without using his own money.  He leveraged the power of other people's money following our simple strategy and he was off to the races.

The more dangerous group are those new investors that are motivated and ready to take action without any structured education, knowledge, or guidance.  This is the group that gets taken advantage of, and worse, find themselves in bad investments regretting getting involved in real estate investing in the first place...don't let that be you.

It is easy to get lost in the real estate world if you don't have systems in place to help guide you to success.  Or maybe you find yourself getting distracted at work, or staying up late, or endlessly searching the MLS website, only to always be disappointed and never find that golden nugget deal you're looking for.

Well, I can tell you for certain, you will never ‘find’ that golden deal if you are not looking in the right places.

No one's knocking at your door with a money-making investment property the they are just ready to offload at a big discount.

The way I've made virtually every dollar in my 20+ year real estate investing career is not by finding value, it has been by CREATING value.

This is such an important part of making money in real estate that I FORBID YOU to ever look at MLS again until we can talk.

The good news is that I want to be your coach, I want to walk you through a proven step by step strategy on how to find undervalued properties in any market, and in any market condition.  The problem is that you don't know what to look for.  There are 100s of properties in every market on any given day, the problem is that you just don't see them, and that's okay, that is what we train our clients to do, on their own time...And it's totally FREE!

Just join us on our Deal Finding program and start finding undervalued properties that you can capitalize on...TODAY!

I will, once and for all , show you how to get started, get you unstuck and guide your first critical steps to getting what you want.

But you have to do your part. You have to want it enough to REGISTER HERE and be committed enough to show up.

The Investor coach podcast

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What We Are About...

Success leaves clues, if someone is truly consistent at anything, over a long period of time, they are not lucky. They are doing something different than you. It's not that they are gifted, but they are doing something, a set of practices that separates them from everyone else. If you can figure out what they are doing differently than you, and you do the same thing, you will get the same results. But you have to model someone who is doing consistently what you want. Follow me and our guests to millions.

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Find out from two highly successful Realtors how they scaled their businesses in the face of massive adversity.  Listen To More

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Hi, I Am Stephen Young

CEO Of The Best Blog Ever

I have always loved real estate, and our blog gives you more information about real estate if you are looking for a deep dive. Here we interview other real estate investors, and we show you their journey from start to finish. Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter to keep up to date with all of the new blogs, interviews, and investment opportunities.

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