Real Estate Blog/Real Estate/Mastering Sales: The 11 Essential Traits of Top Salespeople

Mastering Sales: The 11 Essential Traits of Top Salespeople

Building my businesses has required me to learn a LOT of different skills.  Copywriting, leadership, accounting, managing…

But perhaps the most important skill — and one of the hardest — I’ve had to learn is sales. I wasn’t born a great salesperson. I had to study and practice and learn. And it took me quite a while to figure it out…

But I now believe that this is probably the single most powerful skill anyone can learn.  Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, said this:

The ability to sell—to communicate to another human being, be it a customer, employee, boss, spouse, or child—is the base skill of personal success

If you can sell, that means you can persuade someone to do something. It means you understand the psychology behind how people think… and why they do what they do. And that’s insanely powerful.

I’d go so far to say that — if you don’t know what you want to do with your life but you know you want to be successful, become obsessed with learning how to sell!

In his book, Secrets of Master Salesmanship, Napoleon Hill shares 11 traits that make a master salesperson.

Here they are!

  • Definiteness of Purpose — “Even the rookie salesman must establish himself a definite goal or quota. He must set a definite time within which to attain his objective. And he must have a definite plan for its attainment. Then he must put enthusiasm and action back to his plan especially when the going is hard and when results are inadequate.”
  • Mastermind Alliance - "The master salesman must have a mastermind alliance between himself and others with which he is associated, including his sales manager if he works under one, and all others who are related to him in any manner which may be useful to him in increasing his sales production."
  • Applied Faith — “The master salesman must have faith in himself, his associates, his product, and his prospective customers. His faith in himself must be so definite and intense that he can see every sales effort in which he engages a complete transaction even before he comes into the presence of the prospective buyer. That means of course that he must never ask anyone to buy until he has assured himself the buyer will benefit by the product being offered to him.”
  • The Habit of Going The Extra Mile — “The master salesman must adopt and strictly adhere to the habit of going the extra mile, rendering some sort of service he is not expected to render in all of his relationships with his customers."
  • A Positive Mental Attitude — “No salesman will ever become a master at selling until he learns the art of maintaining a positive mental attitude when he is engaged in selling. If the salesman is the slightest degree negative when is in the presence of his buyer, this state of mind will be picked up by the prospect and reflected back to the salesman."
  • Enthusiasm — “The greatest salesman I ever knew made it a practice to condition his mind to express enthusiasm by standing in front of the mirror and giving himself orders to turn on the magnetic forces of enthusiasm until he could feel it in the very marrow of his bones.”
  • Magnetic Personality — “The master salesman must develop a pleasing magnetic personality in order to win buyers and hold them…"
  • Create a Vision — “Even the beginner in selling must use his imagination or sales would be lean and far between…"
  • Controlled Attention — “The master salesman has learned that the art of keeping his attention and the attention of his prospective buyer fixed definitely on the transaction at hand without permitting the prospect to divert attention to other subjects not related to the sale.”
  • Learning From Defeat — “Every failure, every defeat, and every adversity of whatsoever nature carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit.”

  • Personal Initiative — “No one will become a master salesman without learning to move on with his own initiative. In selling as with all other callings, the amount of supervision one requires largely determines the earnings he commands."

Want to Learn more?  Be sure to get your copy of The Success Guide, a simple step by step guide to help you build real estate success, Click Here For your Copy

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