Building my businesses has required me to learn a LOT of different skills. Copywriting, leadership, accounting, managing…
But perhaps the most important skill — and one of the hardest — I’ve had to learn is sales. I wasn’t born a great salesperson. I had to study and practice and learn. And it took me quite a while to figure it out…
But I now believe that this is probably the single most powerful skill anyone can learn. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, said this:
The ability to sell—to communicate to another human being, be it a customer, employee, boss, spouse, or child—is the base skill of personal success
If you can sell, that means you can persuade someone to do something. It means you understand the psychology behind how people think… and why they do what they do. And that’s insanely powerful.
I’d go so far to say that — if you don’t know what you want to do with your life but you know you want to be successful, become obsessed with learning how to sell!
In his book, Secrets of Master Salesmanship, Napoleon Hill shares 11 traits that make a master salesperson.
Here they are!
Want to Learn more? Be sure to get your copy of The Success Guide, a simple step by step guide to help you build real estate success, Click Here For your Copy
It's Time To Elevate
~Stephen Young
Success leaves clues, if someone is truly consistent at anything, over a long period of time, they are not lucky. They are doing something different than you. It's not that they are gifted, but they are doing something, a set of practices that separates them from everyone else. If you can figure out what they are doing differently than you, and you do the same thing, you will get the same results. But you have to model someone who is doing consistently what you want. Follow me and our guests to millions.
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Episode 29 - Titans of Industry
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