Learn Why Real Estate Investors Love ABOVE CONDOS in Mississauga

Create recession proof Financial and personal wealth in Real estate and give yourself peace of mind 

Above Condos Is The Answer...WELCOME To Mississauga's Hottest Property

Above COndos

Mississauga has been experiencing the tight market conditions that are pushing average rents back to their pre-pandemic peak.  With the number of listings dropping by a substantial rate, renters have been competing for the limited stock, pushing the market into double-digit rent increases.  

Additionally, we will be seeing a record level of immigration within the next few years - coinciding with an increase of non-permanent residents and students.  All of these groups depend heavily on the rental market and, as such, will be looking to Mississauga's investor-owned condominium apartments in the near future. 

Don't delay, start investing today, your future self will thank you.

Above condos is THE place to invest in Mississauga!

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Expansive Floorplans, with ideal investor suites, perfect for the end user or cash flow investor.

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Above Condos is the premier neighbourhood in mississauga, find out more in this brochure.

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Suites Starting from the high $500s with ideal investor suites and end user pricing.  Don't miss out.

don't just Envy the Real Estate Millionaire...become one

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The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second best time is today. Now is the moment you have to decide, if we are having this conversation three years from today, and you were to look back over those three years to today, what has to have happened, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy about your progress? Don't get left behind...Apply Today!

Here are some great reasons to invest in this upcoming project...

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Reason #1 You Need to Invest

Mississauga Has Massive Growth

  • ​21 Development Projects Underway
  • ​Fastest Growing City by Population In Canada
  • ​Job Growth That Continues to Surpass Expectations...

Reason #2 You Need to Invest

Rental Rates Have Skyrocketed...

  • ​One of the largest year over year growth for rent
  • ​Demand is outpacing supply, pushing prices upwards
  • ​Shortage of housing and apartments have pushed more demand for condo living
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Reason #3 You Need to Invest

Incredible Infrastructure...

  • ​Light Rail Development
  • ​Huge growth opportunities for small businesses
  • ​Government who is promoting growth in real estate and small business owners

As a free gift from us to you...we are including these special bonuses

7 Red Flags Ecover

Bonus #1

The 7 Most Costly Mistakes To Avoid When Investing...

  • ​Do you know what to avoid when investing in pre-construction?
  • ​Do you know how to structure your contract to protect you?
  • ​The top 7 Mistakes Most Investors Make and how to avoid them in this book...for FREE!
FMTM E Cover

Bonus #2

How To Properly Profit From Real Estate Flipping...

  • ​Learn the strategies of how the author turned a $500 Loan into a $4 million real estate portfolio
  • ​How you can do the exact same thing using this simple and proven formula for real estate success
  • ​What to do with profits, and how to invest with no money down
5 Rules of Investing

Bonus #3

5 Easy To Follow Rules Of Real Estate Investing...

  • ​Why re-invent the wheel, just follow these 5 Simple Rules and You Won't lose!
  • ​Tried and true method of building real wealth in real estate
  • ​If you don't know what these rules are, you need this book...totally FREE just for signing up today!

Find out for yourself why this is a great opportunity 

It's not everyday that you can invest in this location.  This will be the only opportunity you get to invest in Above Condos.  Once they are gone, they are gone for good.  Don't miss your change to be at the start of Mississauga's great next community!

We Want To Earn A Testimonial From You

Find Out what others are saying...



"Young Realty For Life!!! There is just no other company I would ever work with to grow my real estate investment portfolio, I can't believe this isn't standard practice in real estate." 



"So Grateful For This - I was so lost, and without Stephen's help, I don't think I would be in real estate anymore...so grateful I found Young Realty, and followed Stephen's direction."



" Finally Got Clarity - I was chasing the wrong targets...as soon as I figured out how to set the target properly, my investments began to exponentially grow without more of my input ."

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