Everyone Needs To Invest In Real Estate...But Only A FEW Actually Do. In Only 24 Hours We Will Show You How To Find Your FIRST or NEXT Investment...And Without "Needing" Money!
From: Stephen Young
To: Fellow Real Estate Investor,
My name is Stephen Young, and I am here today because I want to give you something that I call the Real Estate Flipping Framework.
If you're like me, you probably think most "great deals" come from off market properties, or hard to find insider deals. You would be 100% wrong, just like I was when I first started investing.
I have been flipping real estate for over 18 years now, and the one constant is that over 95% of all of my purchases come from properties that are ON the market for anyone to see.
This is my framework, that I use daily to find ALL of my investment properties. I consistently and ON DEMAND find homes and condos to buy, renovate and then sell for profit, USUALLY BIG PROFIT!
But before I give you access to the program, I need to tell you the back story about how this thing got created. This wasn’t something I just made up one day and hoped that it would work.
This is something that took me over 3 years to develop, and over 2 years testing it, trying it, refining it, over and over again until it worked ALL the time. In fact, that seems like a lifetime ago, but, it was about 15 years ago when I got started in real estate.
I had no idea what I was doing. I had no guidance, no help, no mentor, and just about every corner I turned there was another "real estate guru" trying to sell me something that didn’t work, and worse, it was costing me thousands of $$$ to speak to these so called gurus who all they did was sell me courses that lead to no results.
I couldn't blame myself, I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way. However, I did know something, real estate was my key to becoming financially free!
I had no idea where to start. So I did what every newbie real estate investor does and I tried everything, failing my way to success. That wasn’t my plan, but in reality I didn't have a plan, and when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I just naively thought, any piece of real estate I bought should be able to be flipped for profit. But that is a thought, and a way of life for most investors, that got me into hot water, and I nearly lost it all because of that poor philosophy.
I'm going to show you the top five secret places that me and my team look to uncover properties day in and day out.
You can look up all of my properties online, and follow what I do day in and day out to find these properties. There isn't anything magical on how to find the properties, but there are some secrets you need to look for, but if you don't know what to look for, you will never find the Great Deals.
The system I am going to show you will uncover hundreds of properties, in your own city, that are just begging to be bought by a real estate investor, and sadly, most never get sold because the average buyer does not know what they are looking at!
Most real estate investors don't know what they're looking for. They're looking at the wrong properties, at the wrong time, and with the wrong sellers. And I want to show you 5 Secret Places to Find a Great Deal, consistently and on demand, in any city, in any market and in any market condition.
I wouldn't recommend this if I wasn't personally using this system, day in and day out. Each day, my team and I uncover enough properties to put offers on hundreds of properties each and everyday.
This was developed to help me and my team find GREAT DEALS everyday, consistently and ON DEMAND, whenever we needed to find one. I couldn't rely on chance or luck to build my investment business. This not only had to be repeatable, but it needed to translate to any city, any real estate type, and for anyone! And that was the basis of how I built the Real Estate Flipping Framework.
If you didn't know this about me, I briefly played professional football in the CFL with hopes and dreams to make it into the big leagues of the NFL.
I will save you the long winded story, but as you can probably guess, I didn't become a household name because of my incredible football abilities.
After a brief stint in the CFL, my sights had to quickly turn to what I always wanted to do, which was Real Estate.
I didn't know this at the time, but Real Estate is a VERY competitive business, and the money doesn’t come in each week if you don't know what you are doing. It comes in dribs and drabs, if at all, and is not consistent from 1 month to the next.
In the end, I was working longer and getting paid less than when I was working in a milk factory. I made a whopping $43,000 in my first full year of real estate, which was less than I was being paid to play football. Which was a tough pill to swallow.
It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it had some perks, I didn’t have the fear of someone tackling me in a real estate sales office, or blowing out my knee at an open house, but the fear of paying bills and the dream of making it in real estate was what was driving me to work extra hard.
At the end of that first year, I was happy with what I accomplished, but my finances were not looking good, and they we're certainly not going to bring me the life I was still searching for.
As my second year in real estate began, I was approached by a neighbour to buy my first property. I wasn’t interested in selling as I had nowhere to go, however, when I saw their offer, I was more than willing to find a place to move into.
Not knowing anything about real estate, I decided to sell my property to them. That windfall was the largest cheque I had ever seen in my life up to that point.
It was 3 times more than what I made working 7 days a week as a Realtor, and I literally did nothing, other than put down $5,000 downpayment to buy the place a year ago.
I stumbled backwards into real estate investing, with no help, guidance, or support.
I had no idea what I was doing and I was still able to make more money than I had ever imagined possible at that time in my life. That first sale was the seed money that allowed me to buy 3 more properties that year.
When all was said and done, I was able to amass a $4 million real estate portfolio within 3 years and I had become a real estate millionaire before I was 30.
In fact, since 2007, I have now been involved with over $1 Billion of real estate transactions, which has made me millions of dollars in profits, and in the end, I have enjoyed a very successful real estate career.
Which, in turn, allows me to live life on my terms and it has afforded me the luxury to give back and share my pathway to millions. But most importantly, it has given me the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want.
Thousands of people around the world have experienced the same Real Estate Success story as I have had the pleasure of enjoying.
And I want the exact same thing for you. So I made this accessible to absolutely everybody. It's only $7. Look, what can you buy for seven bucks today? Maybe a lunch at McDonald's and maybe a Starbucks.
Why don't you get this program? It's five secrets...five uncovered opportunities that most people don't know about. You don't need a realtor to do this. And if you are a realtor, this will blow your mind.
And YES! For about the price of a happy meal, you can get access to a framework that took me over 5 years to perfect...and nearly 10 years to create!
Yes... for about the price of a coffee, you can get access to a framework that took me 3 years to create and 2 years to perfect, that allows me to find a great deal...
It works in ANY Market, in ANY City and in ANY Market Condition to create:
If I don't do it, I don't expect you to do it either. I practice what I preach...I have been investing in real estate for over 15 years, and I want you to do the same.
There is no better investment that I have ever found that had the predictability and abundance as real estate.
When you understand how to really invest in real estate, you too will understand that there just isn't anything that compares to it. The flexibility, the demand for it, and the returns are unprecedented.
Over the past 15+ years, I’ve had a lot of success in real estate... And some disasters. Looking back, those disasters could have been easily avoided if I just knew what to look for. So in this special report, I’m going to share with you an extensive list of what avoid when looking for in an investment property.
Real estate is not for the faint of heart—and it doesn’t matter if you’re a budding real estate investor, buyer, or seller. When the market fluctuates as much as it does, it can feel like you’re playing a game of craps, hoping for sevens and no snake-eyes! However, there are 5 basic yet critical rules to follow when it comes to real estate, that will not only help you generate more ROI and save you more money, but also help you leverage the right time to invest, buy or sell a home.
I wanted to provide you with some context, and a real world example of a project I did myself. My mentor says most people never achieve greatness because they have no idea what it looks like. This case study will give you what a great investment looks like, how I bought it with no money down, and how I managed to sell and close the property all in 6 weeks.
The Catch is that THERE IS NO CATCH, I just want to give back to you because I wish someone was there for me when I started to show me this.
There are a lot of "real estate gurus"out there over promising and under delivering.
I am not one of them! This is the best tool, and most people don't get it. All Real Estate Success starts with finding a great deal.
Well, there are actually a few reasons...
1. Real Estate has given me so much, and this is My Way of Giving Back.
2. I was so excited when I first discovered these secrets that I couldn't wait to share the information.
3. If you don't already know me, this is a great way to break the ice.
4. I am really tired of seeing so many people getting the wrong information that I needed to make this accessible to everyone so that they can see the true art of real estate investing.
My investor clients and team aren't happy that I am practically giving this away, so I don't know how long they will let me keep this up here, so get it today while you can.
Due to the low price point, I am expecting a ton of orders and I am not sure how long I will keep this offer up.
Just imagine getting ONE property from using these techniques I am about to teach you...
Have you ever asked yourself the question: I want to make money investing in real estate but I don't know where to start?
If so, this is the place for you, this is the single most important place to start, the search for that one real estate deal that will change your life. You need to find it, otherwise, all will be lost, and I don't want that to be you!
It's Time To Elevate,
Stephen Young
P.S. Did you just scroll down to the bottom and not read my letter? That's okay, I do that myself a lot because I just want to get started, if that's you, click on the button below to get started. I will see you inside.
If for any reason, you don't feel like you got your money worth for our product or service, feel free to contact us and we will issue a full refund, no questions asked.
Stephen Young